Shravan Kumar

Game Developer

About Me

I’m Shravan, a graduate student at the University of Southern California pursuing a Masters degree in Computer Science.

I work on projects involving Game Development and Artificial Intelligence. I’ve previously worked at Epic Games as a Gameplay AI Programmer Intern on Fortnite, and also at Nutanix as a Member of Technical Staff on Disaster Recovery as a Service.

I’m also a beginner digital artist and work on a lot of character and environment art.


Try Again

I’m currently working on Try Again, a 3D spectacle platformer with dynamic levels. I am working on implementing fast and fluid player movement mechanics like wall-running, vaulting, climbing and sliding. I developed the player animation system with a focus on context sensitive animations for each movement mechanic, all implemented with motion warping and inverse kinematics. I also worked on the camera and implementing the cinematics in the game.

Racing Line Generator

A project to generate racing lines on tracks created on or loaded into Blender. Uses genetic algorithms to compute the racing line from an initial search space. Implemented using Python. This is an extension and generalization of a project I worked on during my undergraduate degree which can seen below.

Autonomous Driving Agent

A project to create an agent that drives around a track autonomously and optimally. Built in Unreal Engine 4.

Scratch Renderer

A 3D renderer created from scratch in Python without the use of any graphics APIs. Includes features such as Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO), anti aliasing, shadows and stylized rendering.


A third person character action game currently being developed in Unreal Engine 4.

OpenGL 2D Game Framework

A 2D game framework using an Entity-Component system created using OpenGL, written in C++.
